How much will my stained-glass cost?
Not all stained glass is created equal! Their price depends on size, design, and even the colors and types of glass chosen.
How long will it take to make?
Delivery times can be influenced by other workshop workloads. Smaller items may take a few weeks, while larger panels and projects may take a few months.
Do you work with lead?
Yes, lead is an inherent material in stained-glass; it’s found in tin solder, lead cames and even in glass paint.
Every precaution is taken to limit our long-term exposure (gloves, masks, work clothes) and we have an annual blood test to monitor our lead levels.
If I buy stained glass, should I worry about it impacting my health?
No, as a customer, you are not exposed to the same conditions as in a stained-glass workshop. Simply avoid touching or ingesting lead.
Are you taking on apprentices or trainees?
Sorry, we are not taking on apprentices or trainees at the moment.