About Us
Rose Joly
CEO, Conservator & Stained-Glass Artist
I was born in the United States and have always dreamed of coming to Europe and living there.
From a young age, I have always had a passion for architecture, history and art; I knew that my goal in life was to preserve them for future generations to enjoy.
It is for this reason that I chose to begin my studies in art history. Since beginning my studies, I found myself fascinated by Gothic architecture and its meticulously carved details. It was then that I fell in love with stained-glass and its majestic properties. From there, I decided to study abroad for a semester in France to visit its buildings.
After my return, I continued my research in the fields of architecture and stained-glass. This is where I became interested in what was around me: American architecture and stained-glass windows dating from the late 19th century. My keen interest in domestic stained-glass really began during this period. I researched John La Farge and Louis Comfort Tiffany in the upper-class homes in Newport, New York and Boston. At the same time, I was taking conservation classes around architecture
and architectural décor. Everything I did was with the goal of becoming a conservator one day.
Finally, after discovering domestic stained-glass and exploring my love affair with Gothic architecture, I chose my field: stained-glass conservation.
Becoming a stained-glass conservator (even a stained-glass artist) in the United States is extraordinarily difficult; we don’t have training in this field like in Europe. So, I decided to pursue a Master’s degree in stained-glass conservation and heritage management in England.
For two years, this Master’s degree introduced me to stained-glass outside of France and the United States. At that time, I became interested in English stained-glass, and once again, I found myself drawn to 19th and 20th century domestic stained glass.
It is my dream and my duty to preserve this aspect of stained-glass history, to promote it, and to democratize it. I intend to do this not only by conserving stained-glass windows through this workshop, but also by publishing my research and obtaining a future PhD.

My Career Path:
Master in Stained-Glass Conservation and Heritage Management
University of York, York, England
Dissertation: “A Gilded Age Gem: The Forgotten Treasures of Wakehurst Estate, Newport, RI, USA: Stained-Glass and Interior Decoration by Charles Eamer Kempe”
Chemistry for Conservators
International Academic Projects, London, England
Restoration and Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics
San Gemini Preservation Studies, San Gemini, Italy
Bachelor of Arts
Majors: Art History, French and Studio Art
Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Thesis: “Man or Monster: Satan and Demons in Medieval Stained-Glass at Notre-Dame de Chartres, France”
Some Studios I Have Worked For:
Manufacture Vincent-Petit
Troyes, France
Glasmalerei Peters Studios
Paderborn, Germany

My Career Path:
« Un des Meilleurs Apprentis de France 2016 »
Gold medal at departmental, regional and national levels
CAP Arts et techniques du verre option vitrailliste
Baccalauréat STD2A: sciences et techniques du design et arts appliqués
Some Studios I Have Worked For:
Claire Babet Vitraux
La Bourdinière-Saint-Loup, France
Ateliers Loire
Lèves, France
Glasmalerei Peters Studios
Paderborn, Germany
William Joly
Stained-Glass Artist
I got into the world of stained-glass by chance. I wanted to do a job that was both manual and creative, so I turned to crafts, but I didn’t know which field would appeal to me. It was an internship at the Atelier du Grand Feu that introduced me to stained-glass and pushed me to continue in this direction. I carried on thinking “why not?” not knowing if I would have a future in this profession. But that’s what happened, I had just discovered my vocation!
I successfully completed my apprenticeship and even became one of the Meilleurs Apprentis de France (Best Apprentices of France). I continued my career in different workshops in France and Germany, while enriching my know-how, but there was a turning point in my career: Claire Babet’s workshop. I had the
chance to discover the restoration and conservation of stained-glass in depth, working on monuments such as Chartres Cathedral or the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris.
As a history and science enthusiast, I have enjoyed the privilege of standing at the top of great historical monuments, seeing the signature of a forefather left in the 16th century on a panel, touching 800-year-old stained-glass windows with my hand! There are many unique things to experience or do that not everyone will be able to accomplish for whatever reason, but I am happy to have experienced some of them.
Today, with my wife, we are taking a new turn by opening our own workshop which will hopefully bring us new experiences.
In the Press

Report from Newport
Salve Regina University, USA, 2019
Destination Nature Royale N°1
Office de Tourisme du Pays de Dreux, 2023

AGGLOrama N°35
Agglo du Pays de Dreux, 2023
L’Écho Républicain

L’Écho Républicain
St-Rémy Le Mag N°14
Ville de Saint-Rémy-sur-Avre, 2021

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