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Vitrail de fenêtre d'inspiration Médiéval créé par Joly Vitrail
Stained-glass window for a client inspired by Medieval precedents by Joly Vitrail


Numerous techniques used to create stained-glass exist. Along with numerous styles and media, the possibilities are (almost) endless.

From the sacred to the profane, from the ancient to the contemporary, stained-glass windows can be made to your own whims. They are not limited solely to churches, and can be included as decorative highlights throughout a home and even commercial buildings (doors, windows, furniture, signage, etc.)…

Dirty stained-glass panel prior to conservation intervention


The objective of conservation is not to restore objects to a “new” condition, but instead to extend their lifespan as a symbol of history. Conservation includes very specific interventions whose basis is to safeguard an object while also respecting its cultural, historical, aesthetic, ethical and artistic significance. Any object, protected (classified, registered, inventoried, etc.) or otherwise, that presents a sentimental, historic, aesthetic or documentary value falls under this objective…